China World Peace Foundation (CWPF) holds exchanges with a Pakistan delegation on public welfare
Date:2015-06-15    Count:34444

On 15th May 2015, Mr. Erfa Iqbal, Commercial Counselor of Pakistan in China and a Pakistani entrepreneur delegation led by Mr. Shahid Mahmud, President of the famous Pakistani IT company Interactive Group, visited China-Pakistan Economic Cultural Centre in Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation. After visiting the international garden-style museum Peace Museum, the Pakistani delegation expressed: “The spirits of Peace Museum should be inherited form one generation to another. Young people will be the biggest beneficiary and contributor of the international public welfare career.”

Mr. Erfa Iqbal introduced the fact that they developed public welfare activities by means of holding summer camps, lectures, automobile races, etc, and how they cultivated Pakistani talents engaged in peace efforts through training young people and developing technology. He also expressed the willingness of promoting cooperation between the two countries by reconciling the IT and the medical and health industries. Dr. Li Ruohong, Chairman of China World Peace Foundation (CWPF) and Honorary Investment Advisor of Pakistani Government, introduced to Pakistani representatives development plans, cooperation fields, running mode and desired effects of China-Pakistan Economic Cultural Centre. Counselor Erfa Iqbal expressed his full support, and spoke glowingly of his concrete expectations of China-Pakistan Economic Cultural Centre in the development of the China-Pakistan friendship, as well as in the “China-Pakistan Economic Corridor” and "One Belt and One Road" visions’ short-term, intermediate-term and long-term goals. 

The director of China-Pakistan Economic Cultural Centre will accompany the Pakistani delegation to visit certain famous Chinese IT enterprises, medical organizations and other member companies in order to discuss further concrete cooperation.

The Pakistani delegation in front of Peace Museum

The Pakistani delegation and Dr. Li Ruohong posed for a group photo behind the Pakistani peace stone

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