Li Ruohong and Vice Prime Minister of Tunisia Talks on Developing Diplomatic Public Interest
Date:2013-09-26    Count:32125

Mr. Li Ruohong, Chairman of China World Peace Foundation and Said, Vice Prime Minister of Tunisia

Chairman of China World Peace Foundation, Tunisian Minister of Industry and Tunisian Ambassador to China

Chairman of China World Peace Foundation, Tunisian Minister of Industry and Tunisian Ambassador to China

  On Sep 13th, 2013, Mr. Li Ruohong, Chairman of China World Peace Foundation and President of China-Tunisia Association for Entrepreneurs held friendly talks with visited Tunisian Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Industry and Ambassador to China. Chairman Li Ruohong reviewed his pleasant experience of visiting Tunisia for five times, the successful social, economic, and cultural cooperation with Tunisian government, entrepreneurs, artists and other delegations when they visited China, as well as the contribution to world peace through diplomatic public interest. The Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Industry said that Tunisia is currently in a stable situation after Jasmine Revolution. There is a large space for economic cooperation between China and Tunisia. More Chinese entrepreneurs are required to invest in Tunisia and expand the trade. The traditional friendship with Arabian and African countries should also be advanced. They thanked China World Peace Foundation and welcomed its support to Tunisia as always. Tunisia will continue to take China World Peace Foundation as an international platform for promoting the governmental and non-governmental exchanges between China and Tunisia in different aspects. In the end, Li Ruohong presented his book NGOs in China to Tunisian guests and took a group photo.

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