Forum on Chinese Network Culture Held in Peace Garden
Date:2011-10-09    Count:32552

China World Peace Foundation and famous Chinese bloggers’ salon jointly held a forum under the theme of Discovering the Future of the Chinese Internet Culture at the Peace Garden in the King’s Garden Villa on September 25th. Among the distinguished guests to the symposium were foreign diplomatic envoys to China, representatives of western mainstream media, experts from the Chinese network and cultural elites. The U.S., Russian, Greek, Tunisian and Maldivian diplomatic envoys to China, officials from the information offices respectively of the State Council and the Beijing Municipal Government, representatives from CNN, NBC, ITN, Al Jazeera Channel, occtn.com, China Daily, Xinhuanet.com, People.com.cn, Baidu.com, Sina.com among other tens of media agencies from over ten countries as well as dozens of Chinese cultural elites attended this forum.
Mr. Li Ruohong, Chairman of the China World Peace Foundation, Mr. Yi Qing, Chairman of the Famous Chinese Bloggers’ Salon, Ms. Mo Liren, editor-in-chief of occtn.com had in depth discussion together with the participants on topics of the network culture, public welfare and peace.
Chairman of Famous Chinese Bloggers’Salon, Mr. Yi Qing, Editor-in-chief of occtn.com, Ms. Mo Liren, professional commentator, Mr. Sima Pingbang, famous military commentator, Mr. Song Zhongping, and prestigious social activist, Mr. Sima Nan delivered keynote speeches under the themes of network right, human right, awareness of self rescue, awareness of crisis, Chinese media’s direction of public opinions on overseas incidents, as well as conducting no malicious hype of the governmental agencies.

Group Picture of Leaders of China World Peace Foundation and Famous Chinese Bloggers’ Salon
Group Picture of CWPF Chairman and Maldivian Ambassador among Other Distinguished Guests
Group Picture of Participants to the Forum on Discovering the Future of Chinese Network Culture
Famous Social Activist Mr. Sima Nan Delivering a Keynote Speech
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